Documentation of load securing, 
simple, fast and cost-effective via app.

This app merges text, photos, and signatures into a PDF in a single step.
Paper, pen and filing, that was yesterday!

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Schluss mit digitalen Kauderwelsch, her mit vernünftigen Lösungen

Die Digitalisierung dazu nutzen, echte Vorteile für Unternehmen zu generieren und nicht nur sinnlos Geld auszugeben.

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Can you write letters with your banking app or with YouTulbe?
The "one" computer program for everything has never existed and will not exist in the future. Individual apps for individual applications are also becoming increasingly important for companies. 

You can check the reports and evidence created on any smartphone from the comfort of your desk, without having to search through paper and folders. Prevention and more transparency make your daily work easier.

The clear and simple operation of the XP App makes documentation easy for every employee. No programming is required on your part. By eliminating paper and folders, you make an important contribution to environmental protection.

One app for outgoing and incoming shipping

Nothing pays off faster than going paperless!
Paper is local. If you want to see a colleague's paper report, someone has to run over to get it, wasting valuable work time. You have to order paper, pens and binders, which is even more work. Things are delivered by truck, which is not good for the environment. The completeness of the delivery has to be checked. Then the paper has to be distributed. You can't get more unproductive than this! When the reports have been made on the paper, they have to be filed, later maybe kept. When the retention period has expired, the paper must be disposed of in accordance with data protection regulations, and then the next truck comes to you. Does that really make sense?

With the XP Work app, you can turn any paper checklist into a digital checklist. You can create documentation without using a single sheet of paper.
The XP Work app has the following features: Load carrier exchange with online inventory overviews, create transport damage reports easily and quickly. Load securing documentation. So you cover inbound and outbound shipping with a single app.

Here you can find more information about DIN ISO 14001 environmental protection and sustainability.

You don't need to program anything for the XP app. We don't need access to your corporate IT. The XP Work App system is a standalone software that you can use immediately. The software is DSGVO-compliant and supports you in complying with the deletion deadlines when collecting personal data.
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